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Basic Information

Starting its trading operations under the name KOC HADDECİLİK TEKSTİL İNŞAAT SANAYİ A.Ş. . in 1993, the company started to produce steel rebar in 1995 after investing in a rolling mill. In 2012, the company purchased its current steel plant located in Osmaniye Organized Industrial Zone and started to operate under the name KOC ÇELİK SANAYİ A.Ş. Accordingly, its liquid steel capacity increased to 1.2 million metric tons per year and as of the end of 2016 the company became one of the largest suppliers among the rolling mills in Turkey’s Iskenderun region. From November 2016, the company’s rolling mill and melt shop companies were merged under the name KOC METALURJİ A.Ş. and, aiming to add exports to its domestic market share, the company started essential infrastructure developments in order to begin sales to export markets in 2018. KOC METALURJİ A.Ş. currently has a 500,000 metric ton rebar production capacity per year at its rolling mill located in the Payas region of Turkey.


Rolling Mill, Iron Foundry / Castings
